cat behavior | pop up cat cafe | cat yoga

Making cats and their people happy. One meow at a time.

cat behavior

Do you feel like you don’t understand your cat’s behavior? Are you considering adopting a cat but have doubts about their personality and needs? Book one on one session (in person or online).

cat cafe

Invite people to spend time in your community cat room during a pop up cat cafe without the commitment to adopt.

The cats will benefit from respectful interaction with humans and the people can relax in the company of the cats.

cat yoga

Cat yoga is a great way to bring adoptable cats to more people and more cat lovers to yoga!

Cat yoga classes are designed to offer interaction between students and cats. Asanas (yoga postures) are chosen to fit all levels.

Are you interested in a similar event in cooperation with your organization? Reach out through our social media (links below). Ephemeral services are free of charge for non profits. Subject to availability.