pop up cat event
at The Bridge Home No Kill Animal Rescue
Waiver of Liability
By attending I agree that my participation in the cat event to be presented at The Bridge Home No Kill Animal Rescue with live animals, is at my own risk. I acknowledge that there will be live cats and kittens in the room.
I am aware of and fully understand the inherent dangers involved in interacting with cats and other live animals, including the risk of death and/or personal injury or damage to myself, other persons, my property, and/or the property of others while participating in such activities or having my property at the site of such activities. I further acknowledge that participants in such activities and other people involved in these activities may not be covered under insurance of The Bridge Home No Kill Animal Rescue and that visitors of The Bridge Home No Kill Animal Rescue may not have any right to file a claim against any The Bridge Home No Kill Animal Rescue insurance policy. I freely and voluntarily execute this Release with such knowledge, and assume full and sole responsibility for the risk of death, personal injury and/or property loss arising from or in any way connected with my participation in the activities provided by The Bridge Home No Kill Animal Rescue.
I have no physical or emotional issue(s), including, but not limited to, any allergies, which would adversely affect my ability to play with the cats or other live animals in a safe and appropriate manner.
I agree to waive, release and discharge The Bridge Home No Kill Animal Rescue employees, Board of Directors, Ephemeral/Tereza DiFrancesco and any other of their agents from all claims, demands, or actions of any kind which may be brought by the participant or anyone who might make a claim on the participant’s behalf.